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Understanding The Advancements In Plastic Recycling And The Circular Economy

Numerous plastic manufacturers have experienced significant progress in developing innovative recycling technologies that promote a circular economy.

For those who are unaware, “circular economy” is an economic model that maximizes the value of resources by keeping them in use for as long as possible, thus minimizing waste generation. It is a departure from the traditional linear economy, where resources are extracted, used, and then disposed of as waste.

This is crucial for the plastic industry as it helps reduce the enormous amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills, incinerators, and oceans. Embracing a circular economy allows the plastic industry to conserve valuable resources such as fossil fuels by extending the life of plastics through recycling and repurposing.

Here are some of the key advancements in plastic recycling that contribute to a circular economy:

  1. Improved sorting techniques

Efficient sorting and separation of different types of plastic waste are crucial for effective recycling. Businesses use technologies such as optical sorting, near-infrared spectroscopy, and automated systems to streamline the sorting process.

  1. Closed-loop recycling systems

These systems involve creating a circular pathway for plastic materials. It aims to recycle plastic waste into new products of equal or higher value, thereby reducing the need for virgin materials. By establishing such systems, the lifespan of plastic materials is extended, reducing the demand for new plastics and minimizing waste generation.

  1. Biodegradable and compostable plastics

These plastics can break down naturally through biological processes. This can be achieved in industrial composting facilities or in home composting systems. They provide alternatives to traditional plastics and help reduce the accumulation of plastic waste in the environment.

  1. Chemical recycling

It involves breaking down plastic waste into its basic chemical components. These are then used to produce new plastic or other valuable products. Chemical recycling helps overcome the limitations of mechanical recycling and expands the range of plastics that can be effectively recycled.

Many governments and organisations have run educational campaigns about plastic recycling. This has helped to empower individuals to make informed choices, actively encouraging them to help create a sustainable future.

Interested to learn more about plastic recycling? Save the date for Plastivision 2023, an event dedicated to exploring the cutting-edge developments in plastic recycling. From December 7th to 11th, join us at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai for a first-hand look at the future of the plastic industry.

Connect with industry leaders, network with professionals, and discover the latest trends shaping the sector. We look forward to meeting you soon!

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